Efficient Error Management in the Manufacturing Industry with BizTalk
Our client, as part of its business operations, processes very large volumes of data and conducts the exchange of numerous documents between its company branches and its counterparts worldwide. To improve operational efficiency, they requested our support in developing an integration platform based on BizTalk – BRIDGE (BizTalk Realtime Integration Data Global Exchange), enabling proper document circulation and the creation of a system for error notification and reprocessing of faulty data flows.
However, over time and with the increasing number of generated messages, the implemented solution ceased to fulfill its role and became inefficient. We were thus faced with another challenge related to error management on the BRIDGE platform. Our goal was to ensure visibility of all flows executed in the system, provide more error information, and enable self-service notification generation and management.
To effectively address the encountered challenges and business needs, we designed a completely new tool, serving as a central point for integration tracking and error handling for standard users. It provides valuable, detailed information about the executed flows to integration teams, which can utilize it for flow validation and error resolution.
Technologies used for its development:
- .NET Framework 4.7
- ASP .NET MVC 5.2
- Entity Framework 6.2
The error management system implemented by us enabled faster issue resolution and provided the company with new statistics on errors, correct data flows, and messages. Its deployment reduced the time needed to resolve an error by over 50%.
The innovations contributed to better work organization and provided access to real-time statistics of the BRIDGE platform, enhancing its performance. Due to the industry’s specific nature, which demands enterprises to quickly adapt to new trends and changes in legal regulations, the solutions implemented by Euvic proved to be a key success factor for the client.