Medishift - we connect doctors and healthcare facilities

Medishift - zdjęcie lekarza z telefonem

Year by year, the staffing shortages in Polish hospitals are becoming increasingly evident. A significant number of facilities admit that they lack nurses of all specializations, as well as doctors. This issue affects all healthcare institutions, both large and small, public and private.

The real challenge is not so much to win a contract to retain doctors and nurses. The Ministry of Health increases the number of medical students every year, but the demand for doctors is still covered only by 70%. As a result, in extreme cases, medical facilities may even have to close. One of our start-ups, Medishift, has found a way to improve the current situation.

The job is waiting for a doctor

Nowadays, the Medishift application is proving particularly valuable and groundbreaking. It streamlines the recruitment process by easily matching doctors and medical facilities.

What are its distinguishing features?
  • Easy customization of job offers according to doctors’ preferences,
  • Intuitive setting of search criteria,
  • Automated matching of offers with candidates,
  • Possibility of filling in even the smallest time slots in schedules,
  • Full activation of facilities and medical staff/ Full use of the facilities and medical staff,
  • Two-way communication,
  • Maximum shortening of the recruitment process.


Medishift meets the needs of the modern healthcare market. It allows hospitals to reduce staff shortages and makes it easier for graduates of medical universities to find work.

Professional support for the healthcare system

This tool allows you to automatically find doctors who could start working at a particular healthcare facility. Thanks to the use of a unique algorithm, the system matches employees and employers according to predefined criteria.  What does this mean in practice for each of the parties?

By filling in the information on what kind of candidates they are specifically looking for and when they have vacancies, medical facilities can recruit new staff efficiently.

The application offers them:
  • a simple definition of recruitment requirements,
  • efficiently matching candidates to the set criteria,
  • finding full or part-time employees quickly,
  • easy scheduling,
  • payment only for successful recruitments,
  • gaining insight into the actual market salaries for a given position,
  • easy modification of a job posting depending on the current market situation,
  • maintaining continuity of medical care.


Doctors, in turn, by supplementing information about their preferences in terms of specialization, location, time availability, or financial expectations, can improve the job search process.

The application guarantees them:
  • possibility to easily determine the requirements for the desired, permanent, or extra work,
  • automatic refreshing of the list of offers,
  • easily modify the information about their availability for work,
  • automatic notifications about new offers available in the application,
  • continuity of employment.


Thanks to Medishift, medical facilities can once and for all solve the problem of staff shortages. Doctors, instead of looking for  work can focus on what is most important for them – saving human lives.


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