How to effectively manage investments?

Bet on statistical and mathematical analysis


As a result of inflation, the purchasing power of money decreases

Money that is just kept on your bank account is simply losing value. This is why investments are so important in the modern world. They should be however preceded by a thorough analysis of risks and expected profits, so that they can bring benefits. Here one of our start-ups, Algorytmik, comes to the rescue.

A scalable algorithm

The rapid analysis of large amounts of data has been used by governments and other participants in economic processes for many years to forecast commodity prices and economic data. With the development of new methods of data analysis, the demand for formalized, tested, and effective methods of forecasting consumer behavior, capital allocation, production costs, prices and economic variables is growing.

This was noticed by the founders of Algorytmik, who decided to create an algorithm to facilitate investment decisions as well as an infrastructure designed for automatic order execution and portfolio management.

Algorytmik makes the investment process run in an orderly manner, based on objective, tested criteria. This eliminates emotions and errors caused by them. The analysis used by Algorytmik is linked to the rapid increase in the amount of available data and the speed of computing power, the decline in the price of computer memory, as well as the development of areas such as artificial intelligence, big data, deep learning, data mining or image and pattern recognition.


Algorytmik - a simple way to invest

What distinguishes this algorithm?
  • Multi-parameter analysis of thousands of components.
  • Prognosis for an unlimited number of financial instruments.
  • Predictive analysis of all types of financial instruments in different time windows.
  • Prognosis based on “scientific predictions of the future”.
  • Automatic mechanism of data collection, making transactions and optimizing the investment portfolio.


Thanks to rigorous testing of market behavior, Algorytmik enables searching for transactions with the highest probability of success and dynamic, real-time portfolio changes, based on changing market conditions. Its main objective is to search for anomalies and relationships between data, and then create automatic investment strategies based on them.

This solution is ideal for public service, healthcare, trade and the financial market: investment funds, banks or insurance providers.


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