HomeSuccess StoriesData Analysis: The Key to Success in the Retail Industry

Data Analysis: The Key to Success in the Retail Industry

Centrum handlowe




Software development


The solution we implemented is based on camera footage and software that analyses data on the movement and behaviour of people, enabling the generation of statistics.

The video analysis is supported by innovative technologies and utilises, among other things, machine learning algorithms. All collected data is presented in the form of easily accessible statistics. The system also allows for the sending of alerts when predefined KPI thresholds are exceeded. An additional advantage of the software is its ability to integrate with other systems already used by the client.


  • Improving the speed of customer service based on real-time information about queue lengths in the store.
  • Displaying data in real-time.
  • Understanding customer shopping paths and behaviours.
  • Planning the store’s infrastructure and continuously verifying the quality of customer service.


The software allows for the monitoring of key parameters that affect purchasing decisions for the business. Thanks to its implementation, our client quickly learned which products most interest and attract their target group, improved customer service processes, and tailored promotional activities to customer preferences, thereby increasing customer satisfaction levels.


Zrealizowany projekt miał ogromne znaczenie nie tylko w kontekście informatyzacji biznesu klienta, ale przede wszystkim w podniesieniu poziomu jego konkurencyjności. To dzięki niemu dziś jest on w stanie znacznie łatwiej identyfikować wyzwania, z którymi może się zmagać w przyszłości, a co za tym idzie – może im zapobiegać, a nie stawiać czoła. 

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