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Check Out What We've Prepared for You



Cloud solutions without secrets – debunking myths, analyzing trends, discussing security issues, and highlighting successful adoption indicators.


Knowledge Compendium

We present market data, expert opinions from the Euvic Group and Microsoft Poland, discuss (unfounded) concerns about cloud migration, and examine the business needs that the cloud addresses.

Expert Insights

I would venture to say that in about 15-20 years, almost everything will be in the cloud. Current business concerns will be alleviated, legal regulations will adapt to the new reality, and the capabilities of the cloud will be even greater. This scenario is one from which there likely is no turning back.

Grzegorz Mazur

Chief Technical Officer at Euvic S.A.

Today, the number of so-called "cloud agnostics" or organizations that argue for purely local infrastructure as the best solution is dwindling. We are witnessing a significant shift toward hybrid solutions - the best response to the challenges contemporary businesses face.

Szymon Augustyński

Customer Success Account Manager at Microsoft Poland

Using cloud solutions is no longer an option for large and medium-sized companies; it has become a fundamental way to conduct business. Moreover, in utilizing the tools that this technology offers today, they see an opportunity to build real competitive advantages.

Marcin Wojtaszek

Vice President of the Board at Euvic IT

Cloud by the Numbers

ikona doradztwa technicznego


Large and medium-sized companies acknowledge that security is a key factor when implementing cloud solutions.

ikona książki


Large and 88.1% of medium-sized companies believe that the cloud provides flexibility and scalability, allowing them to better respond to changes in business needs.

ikona człowieka z pucharem


Large and medium-sized companies admit that the biggest barrier to investing in the cloud is financial.


Listen to what we have to say about the current state of the cloud, trends, and challenges.

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